Teaching & Training
Here in Emergency Department, Lady Ready Hospital; we are committed to provide quality education and training to healthcare professionals. We are the Tertiary Care hospital for any kind of Emergency, Trauma & Catastrophe.
We take pride in becoming the first & only Public Sector hospital in KPK to have 12 TMOs in this new specialty of Emergency Medicine .
We are American Heart Association AHA's Accredited Site in KPK for BLS. We will soon get our AHA Accredited ACLS training site status in LRH.
Have a look at our highly sought after courses and register yourself. Feel free to contact us for any queries:
Total Courses
Courses We Offer in Emergency
Golden Hour
Top Tips in Medical Emergencies
Emergency Ultrasound Course
BLS Training
Competent recording, reading and interpretation of ECG is vital to ensure safe and effective care, yet ECGs are commonly undertaken by unqualified and junior staff, who have received little training.
This course will help you with an introductory understanding of ECG assessment and interpretation, which will support the further hands-on training that is needed to competently utilize the ECG test in clinical practice.
Course fee Rs. 4500/-
Further Info:
This course will help you with an introductory understanding of ECG assessment and interpretation, which will support the further hands-on training that is needed to competently utilize the ECG test in clinical practice.
What topics will you cover?
- What are ECGs and why are they useful?
- How to record an ECG
- Troubleshooting and challenges in obtaining a high quality ECG
- the “three Rs” of the ECG—rate, rhythm, and right (or left) cardiac axis—in plain English
- Recognizing normal sinus rhythm
- Introduction to arrhythmias
Course fee Rs. 4500/-
Further Info:

Americian Heart Association, AHA BLS Training.
Emergency department LRH is AHA Accredited site for BLS Training. We are driven to teach this life
saving simple maneuver to vast majority of population. Our vision is to make it a cultural phenomenon,
where a collapsed patient gets BLS, on very first recognition of Cardiac Arrest.
We provide AHA Accredited BLS to Health & Education organizations as well.
Course fee Rs. 9000/-
Course fee Rs. 9000/-
Plz Contact

Golden Hour
‘’There is a golden hour between life and death. If you are critically injured, you have less than 60 minutes to survive.” Dr. R. Adams Cowley
The Golden Hour standard is used in Emergency Medicine and Trauma care and states a person must receive definitive care within one hour to ensure optimal outcomes. It is a cornerstone of modern trauma systems. The evidence suggests if an injury is properly treated in the first several minutes, focusing on Haemorrhage , C-spine stabilisation, Airway management, Breathing & Circulation emergencies, combined with high quality transfer facility, the survival improves significantly.
Emergency Department LRH in collaboration with the ICRC has developed an excellent Golden Hour Course overseen by FRCEM /MRCEM & MS qualified Emergency Consultants.
It is ideal for Trainees and all other doctors working in Emergency Department , as it gives hands-on practice opportunity.
You will be given Certification of Training with CME Accreditation.
Course Fee Rs 9000/-
Course Faculty:
- Dr. Hamid Shahzad, FRCEM, Director ED, LRH
- Dr. Muhammad Habib Khan, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Muhammad Adeel Iqbal, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Zahid Khan, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Shah Hussain, MS ED, AP ED LRH
- Dr. Jamal Bahadur, SMO LRH

Top Tips in Medical Emergencies
Why is this patient still wheezy despite Nebs and Steroids?
Every Chest pain is Heart Attack or is it?
Pt collapsed at your hospital`s doorstep, where to start from?
These and many other dilemmas are faced by every young doctor while on duty. Whether you are a House Officer, Medical Officer or a TMO, this course is specifically tailored for you keeping in mind all Medical Emergencies that you will face on daily basis. The course will give you confidence to manage your Patients effectively & more safely at a time when they need it most.
Short of Breath, Chest Pain , Arrhythmias, Overdose, Collapse and many such relevant topics will be covered in detail.
Course fee Rs. 9000/-
Course fee Rs. 9000/-
Course Faculty:
- Dr. Hamid Shahzad, FRCEM, Director ED, LRH
- Dr Zia Ullah Kan Chamkani MRCP (UK & Ireland)
- Dr. Muhammad Habib Khan, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Muhammad Adeel Iqbal, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Zahid Khan, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Shah Hussain, MS ED, AP ED LRH
- Dr. Jamal Bahadur, SMO LRH

Ultrasound course
The one-day Emergency Ultrasound course addresses the knowledge and practical skills recommended by the College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan & Royal College of Emergency Medicine. It also covers the mandatory components of ultrasound physics and good governance.
This day includes lectures on the physics of ultrasound, practical aspects of point of care ultrasound and good governance. We also provide comprehensive lectures on each of the core applications: FAST, AAA, ELS and vascular access, followed by lots of hands on scanning practice in each of the CORE applications on normal and pathological subjects. A simulator is used to teach ultrasound guided central venous access. Our faculty of ED consultants have extensive experience in using ultrasound in the Emergency Department. Teaching in small groups they will guide you through your scans, offer useful tips on gaining the best image, and advice on maintaining your logbook beyond the course. The course covers both the knowledge and practical skills required to achieve this.
Although the course is aimed mainly at emergency medicine trainees, surgical doctors also attended.
What is the content of the day;
The course runs over one day, between 8 30 am and 5 pm, with the usual coffee and lunch breaks. The day starts with introductory lectures covering the physics of ultrasound. This is followed by lectures on ultrasound guided vascular access, FAST (focused assessment with sonography for trauma) scans, and scanning for abdominal aortic aneurysms. Lectures lasts most of the morning and followed by practical sessions. The practice stations gave every participant at least one chance to carry out the FAST scans on a training model, scanning the aorta and gaining central venous access under ultrasound guidance. The practical sessions continue in the afternoon. As well as doing scans on patients with pathology, such as ascites, we were also taught the principle of extended FAST scanning to detect haemothorax and pneumothorax.
Course fee Rs. 10,000/-
Course fee Rs. 10,000/-
Course Faculty:
- Dr. Hamid Shahzad, FRCEM, Director ED, LRH
- Dr. Muhammad Habib Khan, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Muhammad Adeel Iqbal, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Zahid Khan, MRCEM, AP ED, LRH
- Dr. Shah Hussain, MS ED, AP ED LRH
Further info :