PGME Office
The Office of the Associate Dean PGME was established on 01/06/2017. The office is supervised by the worthy Associate Dean PGME. This Office is responsible for the overall management of the Training Programs for Trainee Medical Officers, House Officers Rehab Internee and KMU students in coordination with the PGMI, CPSP and Khyber Medical University. The office provides facilities from induction to relieving of TMOs, HOs, Rehab Internees and manage the clinical placement of the KMU students. The office supervises and administrates all the official matters and issues related to academic programs, financial matters and other administrative management of the training programs, minimum mandatory teaching programs, verifications of TMOs and HOs, maintaining the personal file records, hostel accommodation management and maintaining record of TMOs, HOs and Rehab Internee in HRMIS Software i.e. Leave management, keep tracing of their attendance, updating PGR Profile, Duty Roster, Rotations etc.

Associate Dean PGME
PGME Office Expectations
- Be punctual during the whole training
- Follow hospital rules and policies
- Respond patiently to the patient’s queries and alleviate their concerns
- Respond appropriately to requests of colleagues.
- Counsel patients suffering from complicated illness
- Understand how to deliver bad news
- Maintain the discipline
- Be professional and proper dressing during duty hours
- Give respects to seniors
- Positive Involvement
- Be Honest
- Be Focused
- Be Obligated to seniors
- Regularity
- Be Obligated to seniors
- Regularity
- Induction on Merit
- Equal Allocation of the trainees
- Facilitate to acquire upto date skills & knowledge
- Impart good ethics & professionalism
Expectations from the Supervisors
Carefully observe the performance of the trainees and point out the deficiencies; if any, in order to be corrected.
Sign the activities done or attended by the trainees in the same day of the performance as possible.
Give constructive feedback to each trainee and document improvements in his/her performance with repeated practice.
Observe their progression along the competency scale in acquiring the manual skills:
(1) Observing
(2) Assisting
(3) Doing under supervision
(4) Doing independently
(5) Clinical competencies mentioned against sub-specialty are applicable and may be improvised on Supervising Consultant’s Discretion.
Trainess are Requested to
Follow the classical paradigm of the stepwise progression along the competency scale in acquiring the manual skills:
- Observing
- Assisting
- Doing Under Supervision
- Doing Independently


Secretary to Associate Dean

HR Officer

Senior HR Officer

Junior Clerk

Office Assistant