The Library of the Lady Reading Hospital-MTI is one of the well-organized Library in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The library offers an excellent study and research environment and access to a wide range of resources, facilities and services specially developed for the postgraduate resident, faculty & consultants. It also has an access to the HEC Digital library that provides full text access to journals and e-books, which provides a wide range of print and electronic resources to its users. It has currently 5,000 print books and 4,000 electronic books and 7000 print journals and access to 10,000 electronic journals and 05 most citied databases. Doctors/users/readers may visit the library during office timings and we shall provide the information to access the Library texts and other online materials. We shall advise the user on every stage for proper use of library.
The vision of the library is to fulfill its prominent role for the development of academic and research activities for the hospital community. In pursuit of the vision, the library acquires and maintains adequate information resources, provides effective instruction for retrieving and using materials in all formats, and provides services to users in all locations.
- To develop a comprehensive collection policy on current and retrospective medical literature.
- The provision of reliable information to access in different format (i.e. print and soft form) to support the desired requirement regarding research.
- As primary information provider, it serves as leader in procuring, evaluating and applying technology for managing and providing information.
- To encourage use of the library and its facilities by the all doctors and staff community.
Services and Facilities
- Reading Room: The library LRH –MTI is well equipped in the respect to provide a peaceful and reliable seating area with the capacity of 112 seats. The library team is providing facilities during learning activities and ensures the resource in use and maintains discipline for study.
- IT-Resource Center: The major need of the time is digitalization. In this respect, LRH-MTI installs all-in-one latest computer systems for library members to get the benefit with a single click. Users can update their profile with HEC digital library. the availability of different kinds of online books, journals, and research papers are available under one roof.
- Inquiries and Advisory Service: Professional staff is available to facilitate all aspects of library use. S/he will provide responses to general and specific queries on all research topics and related subjects, and provide help to users in literature search from resources available in print and other media.
- Circulation (Issue/Return): Books are available for circulation to all regular library members for a period.
The Members are free to access the available resources at Library. All required books, journals, magazines are properly classified into the open shelves for easy access.
Rules and Regulations
- Library remains open on working days.
- All library users should punch in their personal service card, which strictly prohibits the use of another service card when entrance in the library. If found any disobey strictly complaint action against his/her.
- If a user does not require membership and comes only to study, he/ she must show their service card to prove their identity and mark their attendance in the relevant RFID machine at the main library entrance gate.
- Those library members going for long vacations should return or reissue the same issued books.
- Member should check book regarding any damage overwriting or torn pages before borrowing, if found, discuss with circulation counter staff, and at the point of return circulation counter staff carefully examine the book for any damage, for which the borrower is held responsible.
- In case a book is lost/misplaced by any library members, to be replaced with the same or new edition of the book or a fine equivalent to the cost of the book (market rate) has to be charged by the member.
- Reference books and periodicals, & audio-visual material cannot be issued.
- Members are advised to make use of photocopies service instead of mutilating books, journals and magazines.
- Group study and discussion is not allowed in the library.
- Leave your personal belongings such as books, folders, handbags, briefcases, etc. at the library at your own risk, whereas library staff and administration are not responsible for any damage/ loss of user’s belongings.
- To provide a silent environment to the readers in the library, the members should avoid loud voices during discussions on any matter i.e. political or friendly.
- Library members having any complaints should bring the matter to the notice of the counter staff. False complaints are liable to be considered as offenses and dealt with accordingly.
- Smoking, drinks, and eatable items except plain water are strictly prohibited in library premises.
- Mobile phone conversation is strictly prohibited.

LRH HEC Digital library

Librarian (Library In-charge)

Assistant Librarian