For Patients
Cardiovascular OPD Days Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday
Emergency : 24/7
This is only department in the public sector hospital, which offers cardiac & vascular surgical services to the whole province. We do eight hundred (800) cases per year. There are 4 Operation Theaters for cardiac Surgery Patients. We do 8 open heart cases per week and Saturday OT is reserved for vascular cases. One 6 Bedded ICU for Cardiac Surgery Patients and 6 bedded HDU. For the academic and research activities of Doctors, there is one Learning Resource Center (LRC) in our ward, which has 5 computers with printer scanner and multimedia projector.Newly Peads Cardiac surgery unit, for peads and infant cardiac patients.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Congenital Heart Defects

Heart Failure

Heart Valve Problems
About Cardiovascular
We Provide Quality Patient care
Our Cardiac Investigation Units
Chest Xray
MIBI Scan for Vibility
Urea Creatnine
Full Blood Count
About Cardiovascular
This is only department in the public sector hospital, which offers cardiac & vascular surgical services to the whole province. We do eight hundred (800) cases per year. There are 4 Operation Theaters for cardiac Surgery Patients. We do 8 open heart cases per week and Saturday OT is reserved for vascular cases. One 6 Bedded ICU for Cardiac Surgery Patients and 6 bedded HDU. For the academic and research activities of Doctors, there is one Learning Resource Center (LRC) in our ward, which has 5 computers with printer scanner and multimedia projector.Newly Peads Cardiac surgery unit, for peads and infant cardiac patients.
Open Heart
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting CABG
- Mitral Valve Replacement MVR
- Aortic Valve replacement AVR
- Double valve Replacement DVR
- Artria Septal Defenct ASD
- Ventricular Septal Defect VSD
- Total Correction TC for TOF
- Ruptured Sinus of Vasulva RSOV
- PDA ligation
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Closed Heart Vascular Surgery
Meet Our Team
Best Doctor of KPK

Assistant Professor
Dr Aftab Ahmad Khan
"MBBS, FCPS-General Surgery, Clinical Fellowship Vascular Surgery (AFPGMI)"
"MBBS, FCPS-General Surgery, Clinical Fellowship Vascular Surgery (AFPGMI)"

Assistant Professor
Dr Khurram Shoaib